Friday, February 19, 2010

One week down

Beth went back to work full-time this week, which meant that I got to care for the two little ones all by myself. B had worked from home for the last couple of weeks, so that was a nice way to ease into it. But having her go back on a holiday was definitely me jumping into the daddy deep end. But the week is over, and everyone survived. Here are some highlights and lowlights:

* Not once, but twice, A.J. needed to poop at home right when I was giving Courtney a bottle. The first time, he was all business. His little seat was already on the toilet and he was stripped down to his underpants, since he had given me signals that he would need to go. Then, without any fanfare or whining, he simply announced, "Daddy, I need to poopy," and went in by himself as if he was headed out for a casual meeting or a cup of coffee. That was great! Courtney and I went in to help him wrap up, but he had taken care of most of the business all on his own. The next day? Same drill, him needing to do the deed while I was feeding her. But this time, it was sudden, defined by the urgent tone in his voice. I executed the one-handed code brown fire drill fast enough to get him situated on the pot while still holding the baby and the bottle. Mission accomplished again. I'd be fine if poopy training became much less exciting in the weeks ahead.

* More bathroom adventures: A.J.'s teacher at school informed me that he now has a "bathroom buddy." Apparently the two of them love to go take leaks as a pair. First off: whatever works. But secondly, it's cool, because this is another boy that A.J. has talked about by name, which is something he rarely does. When I arrived for pick up one day this week, they were having a blast out back, with my little man pushing his buddy around in a car. Good times.

* My weigh in this week reminded me of an important little fact: when I eat crappy food and don't work out as much, I tend to gain weight...SHOCKING! I didn't go overboard or fall off the wagon, but my minor step back can be attributed to three things: 1) Family pizza night out on a Friday, a time when I clearly should have stopped a slice or two before I did. 2) Chinese delivery on Valentine's Day, as I mentioned before. And 3) I only made it to the gym twice last week. The schedule was just slammed with Beth going back full time, and that's how it is going to be from now on, so I just need to make a concerted effort to get there at least three times a week. Anyway, my net gain for the week was less than two pounds, and I bet a big chunk of that might just be water retention from the crazy sodium levels in the take out or something. But anyway, I should not be gaining at all right now, holidays or not.

As for how things are going with my little lady...well, she probably requires a post of her own sometime soon.

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